Sheila Dool

Finding the Romance .......One Enticing word at a time

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Lavender Fields is now available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and All Romanace eBooks. The photo above and all the pictures of the books on my blog are clickable and will take you straight to Amazon to purchase the book.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Thank You Spring Fling Hoppers!!!!

This has been a blast!!! I really want to thank everyone for stopping by and all of your wonderful comments. Love comes in so many different forms, whether you have a significant other or just great people in your life. It's still love. It makes us stronger, sometimes we feel it makes us weaker too but I feel that love makes us better people. Kinder, more considerate, trusting, and patient. Don't forget to stop back by and find out the winners!! Some of you did leave an email address so I want to thank you for that and please have a wonderful rest of your days :)

Much Love

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Hey there Spring Fling Hoppers!!! #HopsWithHeart

Hello everyone thanks for stopping by. I'm super excited to be apart of the Spring Fling Hop!! There are going to be lots of giveaways so make sure to check out all the bloggers who are taking part.   I will be giving away an Ebook copy of A Forever Love and one of A Forever Love Retribution along with a $10 Amazon gift card. All you have to do for your chance to win is leave me a comment at the end of this post telling me how LOVE has made you a better person.

I'll start off by telling you a story that made me a better person.

I don't think that anyone is perfect or that no one has ever done something wrong and just because we do some things wrong it doesn't make us bad people, but there have been many things that have happened in my life that make me wonder what I did so wrong to have had these bad things happen. After I sit down and think about it though, I am actually a blessed woman. I have great kids and a handsome loving husband. Danny and I have been together for 28 years. This July will be our 27th wedding anniversary. While they haven't all been a bed of roses, probably more thorns actually, I would not trade those years for any other.

Our youngest child was born ill and was in and out of the hospital the first years of his life. When he was 5 he was diagnosed with a rare hip deterioration disease that put him in a wheel chair for three years. Our family had to make many sacrifices for our sweet boy. He never got down. Always had a smile for everyone no matter the pain he was in. My husband worked many hours so that I could be able to spend more time with our son. He made all the 4 hr. drives to St. Louis for our sons Dr. appointments. When our boy was 8 he was able to be out of his chair. His hips had grown back!! Things were great and we had a few months to breath. That was until I was diagnosed with stage 3 Breast Cancer. Once again my kind, adoring husband was right by my side. He went to ever treatment with me. He held my hair while I puked and held my hand when I cried from the pain. When I lost my hair he shaved his head in support. Since then I have had many health issues and he has never left my side no matter how tough it got.

Life isn't always easy, but when you have someone by your side supporting you and doing everything they can to take care of you and your family it sure helps. I believe that God gave me and my husband all of this to make our marriage stronger. There's a lyric in a song that says, "If I can get thru this I can get thru anything." It is so true and words that I live by everyday. I thank the lord for saving my child at birth and for keeping my other children safe, for saving my life and for giving me my incredibly wonderful handsome husband.

Everything that I have been thru over the years has made me a better person. I look at life differently now. I know that my family will always be there for one another. I am truly blessed and the love of my husband is something I will always cherish. I want to do things for people to try to make their lives better. Make them feel better about things. I smile and love live everyday. When you almost lose it, it gets better :)

Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to leave a quick comment. You don't have to go all novel like I did lol no worries just tell me how you are blessed with LOVE. I will be choosing the winners at random and posting on my blog on Monday 24th after 6pm CST and how to claim your prize!! Also be sure to continue the hopping over at the Hops with Heart and enter the Rafflecopter below to win some really nice grand prizes!!

Much love


a Rafflecopter giveaway